Parata - Alu Baigana Bhaja(Wheat flour Paratha with Alu-Brinjal Fry)

Usually in Orissa, the breakfast is a must, sometimes heavy. Paratha and any vegetable fry makes you feel full, and lasts longer if you have a long day ahead.

I remember when i was young, in standard 9th and 10th, my mother used to prepare Paratha and any vegetable fry early in the morning (as early as 7) as i used to have tuitions, then school and lunch at 1 pm. and this heavy breakfast used to work pretty well!

I try this for my kid who is very fussy about his food. i ensure he has it before going to school as breakfast. so that i am fine even if he does not finish his lunch box at school.

Wheat flour 250 grams, salt to taste, vegetable oil 1 table spoon.
Make dough of the wheat flour by adding a spoon of salt and water. Keep it for 1 hour.(you can make the dough and keep it in the fridge)

1: Make 4 medium sized balls out of the dough.
2: Roll it to a medium round shape. Apply little oil, spread it across.
3: Fold it so that it becomes half circled shape.Again fold it so that it becomes a quarter of a circle.
4: Role it to a triangle like shape.
5: Place flat pan on medium flame. When it is hot, place the rolled paratha on the pan.
6: After 1 minute, turn it over so that other side is cooked. with help of a spoon, spread 1 spoon of oil and flip the sides, so that oil is evenly applied in both the sides and paratha is cooked properly.

Repeate the same for other balls too.

Vegetable Fry:
2 Brinjals cut into cubes,
 2 potatoes peeled and cut into thin cube slices,
Paanch phodon seeds 1 tea spoon,
salt, turmeric, oil to cook.

1: Place a heavy bottomed pan to heat. Add oil 1 table spoon.
2: when it is hot, add the panch phodon and red chillis.
3: Once the seeds splutter, add the potatoe cubes and brinjal cubes. Add salt to taste and turmeric.
4: mix it properly and cover with a  lid. Let it cook for 10 minutes. cook till the vegetables are soft but
tender in low/medium flame.
5: mix it again let it cook in high flame for 2 minutes till the colur of the potatoes changes to golden brown.

Serve hot with paratha.


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